Q: Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?

"Didn't Charles Wesley say 'Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music'?"
"Then it was Martin Luther."
"NO. It wasn't Martin Luther."
"Then it must have been General William Booth."
"Hummh … Then, it was John Newton."
"Oh. I know. It was Isaac Watts."
"NO. It wasn't Isaac."
"Well, who said, 'Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music'?"
Larry Norman and the CCMers!

In order to justify their disobedience to the Word of God and their love for rock music, CCMers claim everyone from Martin Luther; to General William Booth; to John Newton made the infamous statement "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?".

But where did "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?" actually come from?

The "mis-quote" was taken from a message Reverend Rowland Hill, pastor of Surrey Chapel in London, preached in 1844. Reverend Hill did NOT say, "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?" — what he actually said was, "The devil should not have all the best tunes." Reverend Hill's message was not a "call" to copy or bring the "devil's" music in the church. During the time Reverend Hill preached his message, in England, church music had fallen in both quantity and quality, which is certainly not the case today. His message was a "call" for Christians to write, compose and produce quality Christian music. It was NOT an appeal for Christians to sing the "devil's" music for the Lord. (Lowell Hart, Satan's Music Exposed, pp. 169-170) (V.J. Charlesworth, Rowland Hill, p.156)

And as with much of CCM, they RARELY get the facts straight. After all, what's the TRUTH got to do with rock 'n' roll!

"Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?" is one of the "rally-cries" of the CCM community.

CCMer Paul Baker titled his book on the history of Contemporary Christian Music, "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?"

CCM pioneer, Larry Norman, even wrote a song, titled — you guess it! — "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?". Geoff Moore, Chris Christian and others have did "covers" of Norman's ludicrous song.

"Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?" is the one of the most stupid and irreverent statements that's ever come out of the mouth of mankind!

Look at what they are saying!

Why Should the Devil Have ALL the Good Music?

Webster's Dictionary defines ALL as; Every; the whole quantity of, Everything; the total (The Grosset Webster Dictionary, p.15)

The devil has ALL the good music? ALL [Every; the whole quantity of, Everything; the total] the GOOD music! The Holy, Merciful, Wonderful, Creator, All Mighty, Everlasting and Loving God — has NO GOOD music!


And the wicked, evil, perverted and rebellious devil has ALL the GOOD music! Poor God does NOT even have ONE GOOD song! Out of the millions of songs written by Christians – God does NOT even have ONE GOOD song! Out of the 9,000 songs Fanny Crosby wrote, or the 4,000 Charles Wesley wrote — there is NOT even ONE GOOD song! Out of the 150 Psalms David wrote, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit — there is NOT even ONE GOOD song

Here's what Larry Norman, Geoff Moore, Paul Baker and the CCMers SAY:

"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by Johann Sebastian Bach is NOT GOOD — but "Anti-Christ Superstar" by Marilyn Manson is GOOD!

"Amazing Grace" by John Newton is NOT GOOD — but "Have a Good Day in Hell" by The Eagles is GOOD!

"Blessed Assurance" by Fanny Crosby is NOT GOOD — but "Running with the Devil" by Van Halen is GOOD!

"A Mighty Fortress is Our God" by Martin Luther is NOT GOOD — but "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones is GOOD!

"Jesus, Lover of my Soul" by Charles Wesley is NOT GOOD — but "Highway to Hell" by the AC/DC is GOOD!

"Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed" by Isaac Watts is NOT GOOD — but "Stairway to Heaven" by the Led Zeppelin is GOOD!

Let's conduct an observable, provable and scientific experiment:

Here are two songs in RealAudio. Listen to both. You decide — which one is GOOD! And also which one is the DEVIL'S.

Listen to Number One.

Listen to Number Two.

NOTE: All sound clips are in RealAudio format. In order to listen to the sound clips you will need the free RealAudio player. If you do not have the RealAudio player you can download it now.

This "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?", rebellious, CCM attitude, is wicked, perverted, stupid and irreverent! And it is completely AGAINST the Word of God!

Woe unto them [ditto, Larry Norman, Paul Baker, Geoff Moore] that call evil GOOD, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

The Lord Jesus Christ is completely OPPOSITE Larry Norman, Geoff Moore, Paul Baker and CCM: (Who do you think is RIGHT?)

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a CORRUPT [DEVIL – ROCK MUSIC] tree bring forth GOOD fruit. Matthew 7:18

Does not "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?" PRAISE the Devil and his music? And on the opposite side of the statement — Larry Norman, Paul Baker, Geoff Moore and CCMers, are subtlety (see Gen. 3:1) "PUTTING-DOWN" the Lord God and His music! This is God Almighty that has NO GOOD MUSIC! This is the Creator of the universe that has NO GOOD MUSIC! And you're asking people to love, trust and serve a God that can NOT write or inspire ONE GOOD SONG in 6,000 years and millions of songs!

WOW! Somebody's elevator is not coming up to the top. Somebody's a couple of fries away from a "happy meal"! (I'll give you a hint – they believe the Devil has ALL the GOOD music).

I've commented to CCMers, about the irreverence, perversion and total stupidity, of Larry Norman's song and they defensively reply, "Oh no. Larry Norman is not REALLY saying the Devil has ALL the GOOD music." Well, if that's NOT what he's REALLY saying — why on earth, is he REALLY saying it? Would you like to hear him REALLY say it? Don't leave here and say, "We're putting words in their mouth, or we're twisting their words, etc." YOU CAN HEAR IT FOR YOURSELF!

Here's Larry Norman saying it. Listen to him.

Here's Geoff Moore and the Evolution singing it. Listen to him.

Here's Geoff Moore getting a concert crowd "chanting" "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music". Listen to him.

Here's a picture of Paul Baker's book.Look at it.

Adolf Hitler's propaganda machine was headed by Joseph Paul Goebbels. Goebbels most famous and successful propaganda ideology was the "Big Lie". The "Big Lie" was simple — tell the biggest, most outrageous lie; tell it often enough; tell it loudly enough — and eventually people will believe it.

Following the "Hitler-Goebbels-Big-Lie" propaganda script — the "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?" BIG-LIE, has certainly worked very successful!

The "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?" BIG-LIE, would actually be hilarious — except for one gigantic problem — many Christian young people really believe it! I've had many CCM young people, honestly and sincerely, say, "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music"? Thanks to the influence of Larry Norman, Paul Baker, Geoff Moore and other CCMers, they honestly believe the old hymns are NO GOOD! They sincerely believe the devil's rock songs are GOOD! I've had Christian teenagers say, "I don't like none of those funeral marches [referring to the hymns], Just give me a song that has a beat. Just give me a song that moves my feet." Those words, by the way, are from Larry Norman's song!

Here's some of the lyrics to Norman's song:

I ain't knocking the hymns, [Yes, he is - 3 lines later, Larry calls the hymns "funeral marches"]
Just give me a song that has a BEAT. [Rock Music]
I ain't knocking the hymns,
Just give me a song that moves my feet. [rock feeds the flesh]
I don't like none of those funeral marches [calling the hymns - funeral marches]
I ain't dead yet! [According to Larry, if you listen to the hymns - you're DEAD] Listen to it.

Here's some "fruit" of the Goebbels "BIG LIE" propaganda with Larry Norman's "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music" BIG-LIE.

Here's a Christian Rock web site, [lifemetal.home.ml.org] their title-banner is "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music".

Take a look at it.

Notice the satanic and evil look. This site is saturated with the "appearance of evil". They either have never read, 1 Thess. 5:22, "Abstain from all APPEARANCE OF EVIL" — or just does not care what "God says".

Here's a Christian Rock [users.lia.net/collins/Music.htm] site with the heading, "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music". If you think I'm exaggerating the propaganda influence and deceptive power of CCM and Larry Norman's song, here's what the intro to the site says:

Gone are the days when the only place to find Christian music was between the pages of your hymn books. Christian artists these days can rock with the best of 'em . Finally, some REAL music with a REAL message! What more can you ask for? So what are you waiting for then? Check it out!

Take a look at it.

Did you read what that site says? "Finally, some REAL music with a REAL message! " "Amazing Grace" was NOT REAL music! "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" did NOT have a REAL message! Of ALL the hymns, Psalms and spiritual songs written before Christian Rock — NO REAL music — NO REAL message! Incredible! And what's even worse — these Christian young people ACTUALLY believe that!

Here's another "real-life" example of the "fruits" of Norman's "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music". This is a portion of an actual email I received, and I've received literally hundreds just like it. Nothing has been added or edited – this is EXACTLY as received!

I stumbled into this site looking to see what web sites might have out there on Christian Rock and found your web site... And I have to say, What youth wants to listen to Funeral Marches?? (a quote from Larry Norman) I find MOST Church music DRY, Boring, (like a lot of churches that follow the god of rules) … "Why should the devil have ALL the good music??"

Goebbels [or Satan] was correct — tell the biggest, most outrageous lie; tell it often enough; tell it loudly enough — and eventually people will believe it!

Good work Larry Norman and CCM! Your rebellious attitude, lies, lack of spiritual "guts" and convictions, are destroying the "foundations" of real Christian music and convictions in many of these CCM "nurtured" young people. Goebbels [and the "father of LIES" – Satan] would be proud!

According to the Lord Jesus Christ, The "father of LIES" is the devil:

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is NO TRUTH in him. When he speaketh a LIE, he speaketh of his own: FOR HE IS A LIAR, AND THE FATHER OF IT. John 8:44

The "FATHER" of the "BIG-LIE" — "Why Should the Devil Have ALL the Good Music" is — Satan!

Here's another interesting perspective, to Larry Norman's and CCM's, "Why Should the DEVIL Have All the Good Music"? — by their own admission — ROCK MUSIC IS FROM THE DEVIL! The reason, I emphasize that, many CCMer's "go in to looney-land" trying to "exorcise" the devil from rock music.

Larry Norman states in a news article, "'The devil will try to steal anything Christians leave lying around,' Norman insists. Is rock music satanic? Norman insists it comes from the church." (Lowell Hart, Satan's Music Exposed, p. 20)

Al Menconi says in his funny-book, "Rock music is actually rooted in the rhythms of the black church". (Al Menconi, Staying in Tune, p. 49)

Do they provide any serious research or documentation to back up such a claim? Of course not, only a "brain-dead-agenda-bound-rock-loving-disobedient-CCMer" would make such a ridiculous and laughable statement [we'll discuss this in much more detail and provide documented research to "prove" where rock music came from in a later article].

Here's "eye-witness-first-hand" testimonies of some rock stars:

Homosexual rock star, David Bowie said, in Rolling Stone magazine (Feb. 12, 1976):

"Rock has always been THE DEVIL'S MUSIC . . . I believe rock and roll is dangerous . . . I feel we're only heralding SOMETHING EVEN DARKER THAN OURSELVES."(Rolling Stone, Feb. 12, 1976)

Little Richard, one of the pioneers and architects of rock 'n' roll, knows who is the "god" of rock 'n' roll.

"My true belief about Rock 'n' Roll — is this: I believe this kind of music is DEMONIC. . . A lot of the beats in music today are taken from voodoo, from the voodoo DRUMS." Little Richard (Charles White, The Life and Times of Little Richard, p. 197)

"I was directed and commanded by another power. The power of DARKNESS. . . The power of the DEVIL. SATAN." Little Richard (Charles White, The Life and Times of Little Richard, pp. 205-206)

As for using rock music as a "tool" for the Lord — here's what Little Richard said:

"Rock 'n' roll doesn't glorify God. You can't drink out of God's cup and the devil's cup at the same time. I was one of the pioneers of that music, one of the builders. I know what the blocks are made of because I built them." (The Dallas Morning News, Oct. 29, 1978, p. 14A)
"Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?"


In FACT, the devil does NOT even have ONE GOOD song. The Lord Jesus Christ has ALL the GOOD MUSIC (AND EVERYTHING ELSE GOOD)!

Woe unto them that call evil GOOD, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth GOOD fruit. Matthew 7:18

Every GOOD gift and every perfect gift is from ABOVE, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:17


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