Did Our Inspired Bible Expire?
by Herb Evans

"... the WORD OF GOD which LIVETH ... FOREVER (I Peter 1:23)

the WORD OF GOD is QUICK ... and is a DISCERNER of the thoughts and intents of the heart. . ." (Hebrews 4:12)

We must admit that there was a time when we were terrified at the prospect of defending the "inspiration" of the A.V 1611 (King James) Bible. Of course, like many Christians, we were influenced by Bible correcting educators and scholars and their accepted, traditional, man-made, theological definition of "inspiration".


As with all theological definitions, the Bible correcting educator's definition of inspiration is not infallible and is subject to error. Moreover, any error in definition can mean a more serious error in concept.

Bible correcting educators, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, have discovered that if they are allowed to define (or redefine) Bible Words, then they can easily establish their pet doctrines and theories. Bible correctors and Jehovah's Witnesses both must be challenged as to whether they have a Scriptural basis for these definitions.


Bible correcting educators contend that only the "Original" transmission of the Scriptures constitutes "inspiration". They hold that the "inspiration of the Scriptures" and the "transmission of the Scriptures" are perfectly synonymous terms. All the emphasis, in most fundamental universities, is placed on whether the "Originals" were transmitted mechanically, dynamically, or by illumination; while the quality of the Scriptures, after they have been transmitted, is practically ignored.


The "Original Manuscripts" are lost and no living person has ever seen them (a serious flaw in the Bible correcting educator's theory). Moreover, if anyone would ever find the "Originals"; they would not be able to tell if they really were the "Originals". We have been told for years that the Bible was originally written in Greek and Hebrew. However, no one can actually prove that they were so written. They can assume, suppose, surmise, and deduce; but no one can come up with either a Proof Text or concrete evidence.

The first five Books could have been written in Egyptian, the language in which Moses was educated and the country where Israel had I lived for years. One thing is "fer sure, it twarn't Hebrew that Moses was a speakin' down thayer in Egypt", and conversations in the Gospel were certainly not spoken in Greek. There had to be some translating going on somewhere either way that you look at it. Selah (think of that D.A.W.)! Just because you have second and third century Manuscripts that are written in Greek, does not mean that they were originally written in that language.

Whenever we make dogmatic assertions without the benefit of concrete evidence or a Proof Text; we are guilty of pure assumption. Therefore, if we are expected to submit to this intangible, unprovable basis for an inspired Greek/Hebrew ONLY argument; then if you don't mind, we will look elsewhere for our views.


After the "Originals" had been initially transmitted, or inspired, or "God Breathed" (as our scholar friends love to emphasize the literal meaning of the Greek), what then? Do the "Originals" cease to be inspired, or do they cease to contain the Breath of God after the initial act of transmission is over? Are they still inspired after forty years have passed? Are they still alive? Are they still inspired? Do they still contain God's Breath? Let us go a step further; suppose that we made photocopies of the "Originals" before they either perished or were lost. Would the Photocopy Scriptures be alive? Inspired? Have God's Breath in them?

We insist that these questions must be answered with an emphatic "Yes"! It is not the parchment or the ink that is alive; it is the Words! The inspired Copies of Copies that Timothy knew as a child (2 Timothy 3:15-16) were certainly not the "Originals" as admitted by the Bible correctors themselves. God did not preserve the parchment and the ink; He preserved His "Word", the "Scriptures". He did not preserve an uninspired Bible; He preserved an inspired Bible, and it is alive! It has not expired!


Anything that God breathes into or inspires is alive for eternity. God breathed into Adam a living soul. Now, God did not have to breathe into every man a living soul thereafter. (Man's fall complicates our parallel; however, man's soul still lives on somewhere forever.) God breathed the breath of life into the Scripture, never to be breathed into again. The Bible that we have today (A.V. 1611) is alive! Inspired! It still has God's Breath in it and will never ever expire, because it lives and abides forever (I Peter 1:23)!


The advocates of the Good News bible, the Living bible, the R.S.V., the R.V., the A.S.V., the N.A.S.V., the New King James, King James 2, and any other copyrighted bible would be the first to admit that these bibles are neither inspired or alive. Living things reproduce other living things, and dead things cause the vermin that feed on them to reproduce. Some people might object by saying that there are people that get saved by reading these perverted bibles. Well, people can get saved by reading a commentary! However, it is not the perverted portions of either that does the work.

Nevertheless, almost without exception (and we are not sure about the exceptions); any births, resulting from the above perverted bibles, are perverted also - spiritual cripples. We are reminded here of the reply that some give in answer to the objection that some people are really saved in the Charismatic movement; "You can have a baby out of wedlock, but that is not the prescribed, accepted, or legitimate way!"

Perverted bibles, like the Good News bible and the Living bible, spawn Jesus Freaks and Hippie type Christians. The R.S.V. bible spawns modernists and liberals. The more conservative (copyrighted) bibles produce crippled Fundamentalists who doubt whether we really have God's Word or not. Nevertheless, instruction in righteousness is not the only test for inspiration.,


Inspired Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16-17) "is" profltable! The "Originals" are not profitable to us now, nor were they profitable to Timothy in his time; Timothy had copies of copies of the Originals.

We are told that the Scriptures must be profitable for: doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, and for thoroughly furnishing the man of God. Furthermore, it must be alive according to Hebrews 4:12 and I Peter 1:23, a living discerner. It must be an incorruptible Begetter also (I Peter 1:23 and James 1: 18).

We submit that out of all the English Bibles in use today, only the Authorized bible of 1611 (King James) can pass all these requirements. Moreover, a Bible, in any language, that can meet all these requirements is inspired.

The 1611 Authorized Bible is unmatched in producing revivals, missionary endeavors, souls saved, founding of churches, founding of Bible institutes, moving Kings, moving nations, and even being translated into other languages without the benefit of the Hebrew and Greek. It can prove it is alive!


Christians claim to have but one authority for faith and practice ... the Scriptures. Is it too much for us to demand that we live up to this claim? Brethren, we are not going to give answer to a History book or to a lexicon or to a Greek grammar. We are going to give answer to the Word of God (John 12:48).

We can believe that the A.V. 1611 Bible (King James) is neither inspired or alive; or we can believe that it is alive but not inspired; or we can believe that it is both alive and inspired. If we believe that it is neither inspired or alive, our position is consistent; but we must admit to preaching a dead book.

If we believe that it is alive but not inspired; then we are inconsistent and contradictory, claiming that a Bible can be alive without the breath of God in it??? If we believe that the A.V. 1611 Bible is both alive and inspired; then we can join together in demanding nothing less than unconditional surrender to an unexpired Bible by all Bible correctors and fence straddlers!


Much water has passed under the bridge since a handful of Bible Believers first took this issue to the Christian public. Today, hundreds of books and articles are appearing in every nook and cranny of Christendom (seminary students are reading them, by flashlight under the covers). Bible correcting educators, frustrated and unsuccessful in ignoring the issue, are unable to find wholesome words (I Timothy 6:3) or words that cannot be condemned (Titus 2:8) to dispute the issue. They have resorted to name-calling (nuts and heretics) and words which man's wisdom teaches (I Cor. 2:13) advocating an expired Bible. Well ....

Sticks and stones may break our bones,
But names don't answer an issue.
When you squirrels go down the tubes;
Us nuts won't even miss you!